Wednesday, January 16, 2013

I Pooped 3X Today!

That's right...that which I have always taken for granted has become cause for a minor celebration. I think I have turned the corner on the chemo-coma that I slipped into on Sunday night.  Aside from the incessant hiccups, the day after chemo wasn't bad but I crashed pretty hard Sunday.  Work on Monday was a haze of lethargy and apathy and Tuesday wasn't much better as the energy went up slightly but "chemo cramps" were introduced.

Things seem much better today which is good as we leave for Arizona in the AM to do a bit of mountain biking. I really have no idea how that is going to work out but we've had it scheduled for a long time and I guess we'll see what I can make out of it.


  1. Welcome to the weird club of people who are excited by pooping. Life can only get better when it only takes this to make you happy.
